These two images from lecture 7-the black box between drawing modelling and representation both help reflect a component of my design. The art of Sciagraphy- the art of projecting or delineating shadows as they fall in nature in both these two images are amazing as the juxtaposition of the black, grey and white helps create the shadow but also unites with the structure to create the one element.
As the shadow of any structure is determined by the structure itself and most importantly the natural light, it will be very important throughout my design process to keep these two components in mind while modelling my client's spaces as shadows not only help add another dimension to the client's spaces but help add some depth. Also, with shadows changing all the time due to the movement of the sun, the shadows projected off the two external structures now have a greater effect.
Hopefully I can model not only a functional space for my clients and a meeting place but a series of spaces which will help project a provocative shadow onto the cliff face and help add another element of degree to my model.